
The Dream & the dreamers

Once upon a time, in a quaint little studio filled with the scent of wet clay and the hum of creativity, a group of badass women came together with a shared obsession: ceramics. This was not just a hobby for us; it was a passion, a calling, and a way to infuse the world with a bit of our magic. We are the creators, designers, and dreamers of Pó de Barro.

From the start, we knew we wanted to create something authentic, something that resonated with who we are. We poured our hearts into every piece, infusing them with love, sass, and a touch of our unique story. We didn’t just want to make pottery; we wanted to craft experiences and memories. Each piece of our ceramics was meant to be a slice of our life, a fragment of our dreams, and a testament to our collective creativity.

Crafting Our Journey

We realized that what brought us together was more than just our love for ceramics—it was our shared values of authenticity, creativity, and conviviality. These principles became the foundation of Pó de Barro, shaping every aspect of our brand.

We started to experiment, blending traditional techniques with modern designs, and each creation told a story. The magic of ceramics lies in its ability to blend the past with the present, to capture moments and memories in a tangible form. We embraced this magic, creating pieces that were not just functional but also deeply personal. Our ceramics became a canvas for our experiences, a medium to share our joys, struggles, and triumphs.

Every piece we craft carries a piece of our heart. From the intricate details to the bold, unapologetic designs, our ceramics reflect the diverse and dynamic lives we lead. We wanted our customers to feel that connection, to see our story in every curve and contour, and to know that they were holding a piece of our journey.

Our Shared Story

Today, Pó de Barro is more than just a brand; it’s a community. Our journey has connected us with so many incredible people, each bringing their own stories and experiences into the mix. We are not just selling ceramics; we are sharing a part of ourselves and inviting others to do the same.

The story of Pó de Barro is one of love, resilience, and the joy of creating something that transcends time.

As we look to the future, we are filled with gratitude for every person who has supported us, believed in us, and shared our vision. Pó de Barro will continue to evolve, but our core will always remain the same: a team of badass women, obsessed with ceramics, pouring our hearts into every piece, and spreading girly charm wherever we go.

Join us in this beautiful journey. Let’s create, share, and celebrate the stories that make us who we are. Because in the end, it’s not just about ceramics—it’s about the love and stories we embed in every piece. It’s about our story, your story, all wrapped in one.

Thank you for being part of our journey. With love and sass,
The Pó de Barro Girls <3